Why Worry
Matthew 6:19-34
Discussion Notes
Today we’re looking at what Jesus has to say about worrying.
Matthew 7:1-5
Today we are talking about what happens when we start to judge each other and how our judgement can be a gift.
Bonus Material
Humility is not about downplaying our contributions to those around us, it is about not believing that our contributions entitle us to some kind of special or privileged treatment.
Matthew 7:7-12
Today we are talking about what happens when our asking, seeking and knocking are taken out of the context of a transaction and placed in the context of a relationship.
Bonus Material
When Jesus invites us to ask, seek, and knock there is a lot more going on here than just a blank cheque. This is actually an invitation to see our need in relationship to our ability to care for each other.
Matthew 7:13-29
As we conclude this series today, we are talking about authority, choice, and the power of resiliency.
Bonus Material
The sermon on the mount is really just the beginning. In fact, the narrow gate Jesus closes with is only the entry point into his imagination of God and as the gospel of Matthew unfolds we begin to see a more complex and nuanced Jesus who is far more than just sage advice.